# Do not edit this file; it was automatically generated.
from nidaqmx.task.channels._ci_channel import CIChannel
from nidaqmx.task.collections._channel_collection import ChannelCollection
from nidaqmx.utils import unflatten_channel_string
from nidaqmx.constants import (
AngleUnits, AngularVelocityUnits, CountDirection, CounterFrequencyMethod,
Edge, EncoderType, EncoderZIndexPhase, FrequencyUnits, GpsSignalType,
LengthUnits, TimeUnits, VelocityUnits)
class CIChannelCollection(ChannelCollection):
Contains the collection of counter input channels for a DAQmx Task.
def __init__(self, task_handle, interpreter):
Do not construct this object directly; instead, construct a nidaqmx.Task and use the task.ci_channels property.
super().__init__(task_handle, interpreter)
def _create_chan(self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=''):
Creates and returns a CIChannel object.
counter (str): Specifies the names of the counters to use to
create virtual channels.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name to
assign to the virtual channel this method creates.
Specifies the newly created CIChannel object.
if name_to_assign_to_channel:
num_counters = len(unflatten_channel_string(counter))
if num_counters > 1:
name = '{}0:{}'.format(
name_to_assign_to_channel, num_counters-1)
name = name_to_assign_to_channel
name = counter
return CIChannel(self._handle, name, self._interpreter)
def add_ci_ang_encoder_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="",
decoding_type=EncoderType.X_4, zidx_enable=False, zidx_val=0,
units=AngleUnits.DEGREES, pulses_per_rev=24, initial_angle=0.0,
Creates a channel that uses an angular encoder to measure
angular position. With the exception of devices that support
multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input
channel at a time with this function because a task can contain
only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect
the input signals to the default input terminals of the counter
unless you select different input terminals.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]):
Specifies how to count and interpret the pulses the
encoder generates on signal A and signal B. **X_1**,
**X_2**, and **X_4** are valid for quadrature encoders
only. **TWO_PULSE_COUNTING** is valid only for two-pulse
zidx_enable (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to use Z
indexing for the channel.
zidx_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the value
to which to reset the measurement when signal Z is high
and signal A and signal B are at the states you specify
with **zidx_phase**.
zidx_phase (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase]):
Specifies the states at which signal A and signal B must
be while signal Z is high for NI-DAQmx to reset the
measurement. If signal Z is never high while signal A
and signal B are high, for example, you must choose a
phase other than **A_HIGH_B_HIGH**.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits]): Specifies
the units to use to return angular position measurements
from the channel.
pulses_per_rev (Optional[int]): Is the number of pulses the
encoder generates per revolution. This value is the
number of pulses on either signal A or signal B, not the
total number of pulses on both signal A and signal B.
initial_angle (Optional[float]): Is the starting angle of
the encoder. This value is in the units you specify with
the **units** input.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel,
decoding_type.value, zidx_enable, zidx_val, zidx_phase.value,
units.value, pulses_per_rev, initial_angle, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_ang_velocity_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.0,
max_val=1.0, decoding_type=EncoderType.X_4,
units=AngularVelocityUnits.RPM, pulses_per_rev=24,
Creates a channel to measure the angular velocity of a digital
signal. With the exception of devices that support multi-counter
tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time
with this function because a task can contain only one counter
input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously,
use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal
to the default input terminal of the counter unless you select a
different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]):
Specifies how to count and interpret the pulses the
encoder generates on signal A and signal B. **X_1**,
**X_2**, and **X_4** are valid for quadrature encoders
only. **TWO_PULSE_COUNTING** is valid only for two-pulse
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits]):
Specifies in which unit to return velocity measurements
from the channel.
pulses_per_rev (Optional[int]): Is the number of pulses the
encoder generates per revolution. This value is the
number of pulses on either signal A or signal B, not the
total number of pulses on both signal A and signal B.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, decoding_type.value, units.value, pulses_per_rev,
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_count_edges_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", edge=Edge.RISING,
initial_count=0, count_direction=CountDirection.COUNT_UP):
Creates a channel to count the number of rising or falling edges
of a digital signal. With the exception of devices that support
multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input
channel at a time with this function because a task can contain
only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect
the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter
unless you select a different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies on which
edges of the input signal to increment or decrement the
initial_count (Optional[int]): Is the value from which to
start counting.
count_direction (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection]):
Specifies whether to increment or decrement the counter
on each edge.
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, edge.value,
initial_count, count_direction.value)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_duty_cycle_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_freq=2.0,
max_freq=10000.0, edge=Edge.RISING, custom_scale_name=""):
Creates channel(s) to duty cycle of a digital pulse. Connect the
input signal to the default input terminal of the counter unless
you select a different input terminal. With the exception of
devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only
one counter input channel at a time with this function because a
task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from
multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_freq (Optional[float]): Specifies the minimum frequency
you expect to measure.
max_freq (Optional[float]): Specifies the maximum frequency
you expect to measure.
edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies between
which edges to measure the frequency or period of the
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_freq,
max_freq, edge.value, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_freq_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=2.0,
max_val=100.0, units=FrequencyUnits.HZ, edge=Edge.RISING,
meas_time=0.001, divisor=4, custom_scale_name=""):
Creates a channel to measure the frequency of a digital signal.
With the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks,
you can create only one counter input channel at a time with
this function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the
default input terminal of the counter unless you select a
different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits]):
Specifies the units to use to return frequency
edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies between
which edges to measure the frequency or period of the
meas_method (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod]):
Specifies the method to use to calculate the period or
frequency of the signal.
meas_time (Optional[float]): Is the length of time in
seconds to measure the frequency or period of the signal
if **meas_method** is **HIGH_FREQUENCYWITH_2_COUNTERS**.
Leave this input unspecified if **meas_method** is not
divisor (Optional[int]): Is the value by which to divide the
input signal when **meas_method** is
**LARGE_RANGEWITH_2_COUNTERS**. Leave this input
unspecified if **meas_method** is not
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value, edge.value, meas_method.value, meas_time,
divisor, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_gps_timestamp_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="",
units=TimeUnits.SECONDS, sync_method=GpsSignalType.IRIGB,
Creates a channel that uses a special purpose counter to take a
timestamp and synchronizes that counter to a GPS receiver. With
the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you
can create only one counter input channel at a time with this
function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signals to the
default input terminals of the counter unless you select
different input terminals.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]): Specifies the
units to use to return the timestamp.
sync_method (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType]):
Specifies the method to use to synchronize the counter
to a GPS receiver.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, units.value,
sync_method.value, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_lin_encoder_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="",
decoding_type=EncoderType.X_4, zidx_enable=False, zidx_val=0,
units=LengthUnits.METERS, dist_per_pulse=0.001, initial_pos=0.0,
Creates a channel that uses a linear encoder to measure linear
position. With the exception of devices that support multi-
counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at
a time with this function because a task can contain only one
counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect
the input signals to the default input terminals of the counter
unless you select different input terminals.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]):
Specifies how to count and interpret the pulses the
encoder generates on signal A and signal B. **X_1**,
**X_2**, and **X_4** are valid for quadrature encoders
only. **TWO_PULSE_COUNTING** is valid only for two-pulse
zidx_enable (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to use Z
indexing for the channel.
zidx_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the value
to which to reset the measurement when signal Z is high
and signal A and signal B are at the states you specify
with **zidx_phase**.
zidx_phase (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase]):
Specifies the states at which signal A and signal B must
be while signal Z is high for NI-DAQmx to reset the
measurement. If signal Z is never high while signal A
and signal B are high, for example, you must choose a
phase other than **A_HIGH_B_HIGH**.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits]): Specifies
the units to use to return linear position measurements
from the channel.
dist_per_pulse (Optional[float]): Is the distance to measure
for each pulse the encoder generates on signal A or
signal B. This value is in the units you specify with
the **units** input.
initial_pos (Optional[float]): Is the position of the
encoder when you begin the measurement. This value is in
the units you specify with the **units** input.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel,
decoding_type.value, zidx_enable, zidx_val, zidx_phase.value,
units.value, dist_per_pulse, initial_pos, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_lin_velocity_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.0,
max_val=1.0, decoding_type=EncoderType.X_4,
units=VelocityUnits.METERS_PER_SECOND, dist_per_pulse=0.001,
Creates a channel that uses a linear encoder to measure linear
velocity. With the exception of devices that support multi-
counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at
a time with this function because a task can contain only one
counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect
the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter
unless you select a different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]):
Specifies how to count and interpret the pulses the
encoder generates on signal A and signal B. **X_1**,
**X_2**, and **X_4** are valid for quadrature encoders
only. **TWO_PULSE_COUNTING** is valid only for two-pulse
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits]): Specifies
in which unit to return velocity measurements from the
dist_per_pulse (Optional[float]): Is the distance to measure
for each pulse the encoder generates on signal A or
signal B. This value is in the units you specify with
the **units** input.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, decoding_type.value, units.value, dist_per_pulse,
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_period_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.000001,
max_val=0.1, units=TimeUnits.SECONDS, edge=Edge.RISING,
meas_time=0.001, divisor=4, custom_scale_name=""):
Creates a channel to measure the period of a digital signal.
With the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks,
you can create only one counter input channel at a time with
this function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the
default input terminal of the counter unless you select a
different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]): Specifies the
units to use to return time or period measurements.
edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies between
which edges to measure the frequency or period of the
meas_method (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod]):
Specifies the method to use to calculate the period or
frequency of the signal.
meas_time (Optional[float]): Is the length of time in
seconds to measure the frequency or period of the signal
if **meas_method** is **HIGH_FREQUENCYWITH_2_COUNTERS**.
Leave this input unspecified if **meas_method** is not
divisor (Optional[int]): Is the value by which to divide the
input signal when **meas_method** is
**LARGE_RANGEWITH_2_COUNTERS**. Leave this input
unspecified if **meas_method** is not
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value, edge.value, meas_method.value, meas_time,
divisor, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_pulse_chan_freq(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=1000,
max_val=1000000, units=FrequencyUnits.HZ):
Creates a channel to measure pulse specifications, returning the
measurements as pairs of frequency and duty cycle. With the
exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can
create only one counter input channel at a time with this
function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the
default input terminal of the counter unless you select a
different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits]):
Specifies the units to use to return pulse
specifications in terms of frequency.
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_pulse_chan_ticks(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="",
source_terminal="OnboardClock", min_val=1000, max_val=1000000):
Creates a channel to measure pulse specifications, returning the
measurements as pairs of high ticks and low ticks. With the
exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can
create only one counter input channel at a time with this
function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the
default input terminal of the counter unless you select a
different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
source_terminal (Optional[str]): Is the terminal to which
you connect a signal to use as the source of ticks. A
DAQmx terminal constant lists all terminals available on
devices installed in the system. You also can specify a
source terminal by specifying a string that contains a
terminal name. If you specify OnboardClock, or do not
specify any terminal, NI-DAQmx selects the fastest
onboard timebase available on the device.
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, source_terminal,
min_val, max_val)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_pulse_chan_time(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.000001,
max_val=0.001, units=TimeUnits.SECONDS):
Creates a channel to measure pulse specifications, returning the
measurements as pairs of high time and low time. With the
exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can
create only one counter input channel at a time with this
function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the
default input terminal of the counter unless you select a
different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]): Specifies the
units to use to return pulse specifications in terms of
high time and low time.
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_pulse_width_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.000001,
max_val=0.1, units=TimeUnits.SECONDS, starting_edge=Edge.RISING,
Creates a channel to measure the width of a digital pulse.
**starting_edge** determines whether to measure a high pulse or
low pulse. With the exception of devices that support multi-
counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at
a time with this function because a task can contain only one
counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect
the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter
unless you select a different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]): Specifies the
units to use to return time or period measurements.
starting_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies
on which edge to begin measuring pulse width.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value, starting_edge.value, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_semi_period_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.000001,
max_val=0.1, units=TimeUnits.SECONDS, custom_scale_name=""):
Creates a channel to measure the time between state transitions
of a digital signal. With the exception of devices that support
multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input
channel at a time with this function because a task can contain
only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect
the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter
unless you select a different input terminal.
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]): Specifies the
units to use to return time or period measurements.
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value, custom_scale_name)
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)
def add_ci_two_edge_sep_chan(
self, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel="", min_val=0.000001,
max_val=1.0, units=TimeUnits.SECONDS, first_edge=Edge.RISING,
second_edge=Edge.FALLING, custom_scale_name=""):
Creates a channel that measures the amount of time between the
rising or falling edge of one digital signal and the rising or
falling edge of another digital signal. With the exception of
devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only
one counter input channel at a time with this function because a
task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from
multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each
counter. Connect the input signals to the default input
terminals of the counter unless you select different input
counter (str): Specifies the name of the counter to use to
create the virtual channel. The DAQmx physical channel
constant lists all physical channels, including
counters, for devices installed in the system.
name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]): Specifies a name
to assign to the virtual channel this function creates.
If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx
uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel
min_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
minimum value you expect to measure.
max_val (Optional[float]): Specifies in **units** the
maximum value you expect to measure.
units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]): Specifies the
units to use to return time or period measurements.
first_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies on
which edge of the first signal to start each
second_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies on
which edge of the second signal to stop each
custom_scale_name (Optional[str]): Specifies the name of a
custom scale for the channel. If you want the channel to
use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom scale
to this input and set **units** to
Indicates the newly created channel object.
self._handle, counter, name_to_assign_to_channel, min_val,
max_val, units.value, first_edge.value, second_edge.value,
return self._create_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel)