Source code for nidaqmx.task.channels._channel

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import nidaqmx.task.channels  # circular import: Channel._factory uses derived classes
from nidaqmx.system.physical_channel import _PhysicalChannelAlternateConstructor
from nidaqmx.utils import flatten_channel_string, unflatten_channel_string
from nidaqmx.constants import (
    ChannelType, SyncUnlockBehavior, _Save)

[docs] class Channel: """ Represents virtual channel or a list of virtual channels. """ __slots__ = ['_handle', '_name', '_interpreter', '__weakref__'] def __init__(self, task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter): """ Args: task_handle (TaskHandle): Specifies the handle of the task that this channel is associated with. virtual_or_physical_name (str): Specifies the flattened virtual or physical name of a channel. interpreter (BaseInterpreter): Specifies the interpreter instance. """ self._handle = task_handle self._name = virtual_or_physical_name self._interpreter = interpreter def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot concatenate objects of type {} and {}' .format(self.__class__, other.__class__)) if self._handle != other._handle: raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot concatenate Channel objects from different tasks.') name = flatten_channel_string([,]) return Channel._factory(self._handle, name, self._interpreter) def __contains__(self, item): channel_names = self.channel_names if isinstance(item, str): items = unflatten_channel_string(item) elif isinstance(item, Channel): items = item.channel_names return all([item in channel_names for item in items]) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return (self._handle == other._handle and set(self.channel_names) == set(other.channel_names)) return False def __hash__(self): return self._interpreter.hash_task_handle(self._handle) ^ hash(frozenset(self.channel_names)) def __iadd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iter__(self): for channel_name in self.channel_names: yield Channel._factory(self._handle, channel_name, self._interpreter) def __len__(self): return len(self.channel_names) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __reversed__(self): channel_names = self.channel_names channel_names.reverse() for channel_name in channel_names: yield Channel._factory(self._handle, channel_name, self._interpreter) def __repr__(self): return f'Channel(name={})' @staticmethod def _factory(task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter): """ Implements the factory pattern for nidaqmx channels. Args: task_handle (TaskHandle): Specifies the handle of the task that this channel is associated with. virtual_or_physical_name (str): Specifies the flattened virtual or physical name of a channel. interpreter (BaseInterpreter): Specifies the interpreter instance. Returns: nidaqmx.task.channels.Channel: Indicates an object that represents the specified channel. """ chan_type = interpreter.get_chan_attribute_int32(task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, 0x187f) channel_type = ChannelType(chan_type) if channel_type == ChannelType.ANALOG_INPUT: return nidaqmx.task.channels.AIChannel( task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter) elif channel_type == ChannelType.ANALOG_OUTPUT: return nidaqmx.task.channels.AOChannel( task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter) elif channel_type == ChannelType.COUNTER_INPUT: return nidaqmx.task.channels.CIChannel( task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter) elif channel_type == ChannelType.COUNTER_OUTPUT: return nidaqmx.task.channels.COChannel( task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter) elif channel_type == ChannelType.DIGITAL_INPUT: return nidaqmx.task.channels.DIChannel( task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter) elif channel_type == ChannelType.DIGITAL_OUTPUT: return nidaqmx.task.channels.DOChannel( task_handle, virtual_or_physical_name, interpreter) @property def name(self): """ str: Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents. """ if self._name: return self._name else: return self._all_channels_name @property def channel_names(self): """ List[str]: Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels. """ if self._name: return unflatten_channel_string(self._name) else: return unflatten_channel_string(self._all_channels_name) @property def _all_channels_name(self): """ str: Specifies the flattened names of all the virtual channels in the task. """ val = self._interpreter.get_task_attribute_string(self._handle, 0x1273) return val @property def chan_type(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType`: Indicates the type of the virtual channel. """ val = self._interpreter.get_chan_attribute_int32(self._handle, self._name, 0x187f) return ChannelType(val) @property def description(self): """ str: Specifies a user-defined description for the channel. """ val = self._interpreter.get_chan_attribute_string(self._handle, self._name, 0x1926) return val @description.setter def description(self, val): self._interpreter.set_chan_attribute_string(self._handle, self._name, 0x1926, val) @description.deleter def description(self): self._interpreter.reset_chan_attribute(self._handle, self._name, 0x1926) @property def is_global(self): """ bool: Indicates whether the channel is a global channel. """ val = self._interpreter.get_chan_attribute_bool(self._handle, self._name, 0x2304) return val @property def physical_channel(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel`: Specifies the name of the physical channel upon which this virtual channel is based. """ val = self._interpreter.get_chan_attribute_string(self._handle, self._name, 0x18f5) return _PhysicalChannelAlternateConstructor(val, self._interpreter) @physical_channel.setter def physical_channel(self, val): val = self._interpreter.set_chan_attribute_string(self._handle, self._name, 0x18f5, val) @property def sync_unlock_behavior(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.constants.SyncUnlockBehavior`: Specifies the action to take if the target loses its synchronization to the grand master. """ val = self._interpreter.get_chan_attribute_int32(self._handle, self._name, 0x313c) return SyncUnlockBehavior(val) @sync_unlock_behavior.setter def sync_unlock_behavior(self, val): val = val.value self._interpreter.set_chan_attribute_int32(self._handle, self._name, 0x313c, val) @sync_unlock_behavior.deleter def sync_unlock_behavior(self): self._interpreter.reset_chan_attribute(self._handle, self._name, 0x313c)
[docs] def save(self, save_as="", author="", overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, allow_interactive_deletion=True): """ Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel. Args: save_as (Optional[str]): Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale. author (Optional[str]): Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom scale. overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function returns an error. allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to allow the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If allow_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel settings. allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to allow the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX. """ options = 0 if overwrite_existing_channel: options |= _Save.OVERWRITE.value if allow_interactive_editing: options |= _Save.ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_EDITING.value if allow_interactive_deletion: options |= _Save.ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_DELETION.value self._interpreter.save_global_chan(self._handle, self._name, save_as, author, options)