Source code for nidaqmx.system.device

# Do not edit this file; it was automatically generated.

import deprecation

from datetime import datetime
from nidaqmx import utils
from nidaqmx._bitfield_utils import enum_bitfield_to_list
from nidaqmx.utils import unflatten_channel_string
from nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection import (
    AIPhysicalChannelCollection, AOPhysicalChannelCollection,
    CIPhysicalChannelCollection, COPhysicalChannelCollection,
    DILinesCollection, DIPortsCollection, DOLinesCollection, DOPortsCollection)
from nidaqmx.constants import (
    AcquisitionType, BusType, Coupling, FilterType, ProductCategory,
    TriggerUsage, UsageTypeAI, UsageTypeAO, UsageTypeCI, UsageTypeCO,
    _CouplingTypes, _TriggerUsageTypes)

__all__ = ['Device']

[docs] class Device: """ Represents a DAQmx device. """ __slots__ = ['_name', '_interpreter', '__weakref__']
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *, grpc_options=None): """ Args: name (str): Specifies the name of the device. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. """ self._name = name self._interpreter = utils._select_interpreter(grpc_options)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._name == other._name return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self._name)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'Device(name={self._name})'
@property def name(self): """ str: Specifies the name of this device. """ return self._name # region Physical Channel Collections @property def ai_physical_chans(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the analog input physical channels available on the device. """ return AIPhysicalChannelCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def ao_physical_chans(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the analog output physical channels available on the device. """ return AOPhysicalChannelCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def ci_physical_chans(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the counter input physical channels available on the device. """ return CIPhysicalChannelCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def co_physical_chans(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the counter output physical channels available on the device. """ return COPhysicalChannelCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def di_lines(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the digital input lines available on the device. """ return DILinesCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def di_ports(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the digital input ports available on the device. """ return DIPortsCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def do_lines(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the digital output lines available on the device. """ return DOLinesCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) @property def do_ports(self): """ List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection]: Indicates a collection that contains all the digital output ports available on the device. """ return DOPortsCollection(self._name, self._interpreter) # endregion # region Calibration Info property @property def ext_cal_last_date_and_time(self): """ datetime: Indicates the last date and time that the device underwent an external calibration. """ last_date_and_time = self._interpreter.get_ext_cal_last_date_and_time(self._name) return datetime( year=last_date_and_time[0], month=last_date_and_time[1], day=last_date_and_time[2], hour=last_date_and_time[3], minute=last_date_and_time[4] ) @property def self_cal_last_date_and_time(self): """ datetime: Indicates the last date and time that the device underwent a self-calibration. """ last_date_and_time = self._interpreter.get_self_cal_last_date_and_time(self._name) return datetime( year=last_date_and_time[0], month=last_date_and_time[1], day=last_date_and_time[2], hour=last_date_and_time[3], minute=last_date_and_time[4] ) @property def device_supports_cal(self): """ Indicates if the device supports calibration. """ return self._interpreter.device_supports_cal(self._name) # endregion @property def accessory_product_nums(self): """ List[int]: Indicates the unique hardware identification number for accessories connected to the device. Each list element corresponds to a connector. For example, index 0 corresponds to connector 0. The list contains 0 for each connector with no accessory connected. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32_array(self._name, 0x2f6e) return val @property def accessory_product_types(self): """ List[str]: Indicates the model names of accessories connected to the device. Each list element corresponds to a connector. For example, index 0 corresponds to connector 0. The list contains an empty string for each connector with no accessory connected. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x2f6d) return unflatten_channel_string(val) @property def accessory_serial_nums(self): """ List[int]: Indicates the serial number for accessories connected to the device. Each list element corresponds to a connector. For example, index 0 corresponds to connector 0. The list contains 0 for each connector with no accessory connected. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32_array(self._name, 0x2f6f) return val @property def ai_bridge_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of input voltage ratio ranges, in volts per volt, supported by devices that acquire using ratiometric measurements. Each pair consists of the low value followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2fd0) return val @property def ai_charge_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates in coulombs pairs of input charge ranges for the device. Each pair consists of the low value followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x3111) return val @property def ai_couplings(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.Coupling`]: Indicates the coupling types supported by this device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x2994) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _CouplingTypes, Coupling) @property def ai_current_int_excit_discrete_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the set of discrete internal current excitation values supported by this device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x29cb) return val @property def ai_current_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the pairs of current input ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2991) return val @property def ai_dig_fltr_lowpass_cutoff_freq_discrete_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the set of discrete lowpass cutoff frequencies supported by this device. If the device supports ranges of lowpass cutoff frequencies, use AI.DigFltr.Lowpass.CutoffFreq.RangeVals to determine supported frequencies. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x30c8) return val @property def ai_dig_fltr_lowpass_cutoff_freq_range_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of lowpass cutoff frequency ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. If the device supports a set of discrete lowpass cutoff frequencies, use AI.DigFltr.Lowpass.CutoffFreq.DiscreteVals to determine the supported frequencies. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x30c9) return val @property def ai_dig_fltr_types(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.FilterType`]: Indicates the AI digital filter types supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x3107) return [FilterType(e) for e in val] @property def ai_freq_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the pairs of frequency input ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2992) return val @property def ai_gains(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the input gain settings supported by this device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2993) return val @property def ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_discrete_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the set of discrete lowpass cutoff frequencies supported by this device. If the device supports ranges of lowpass cutoff frequencies, use **ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_range_vals** to determine supported frequencies. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2995) return val @property def ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_range_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of lowpass cutoff frequency ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. If the device supports a set of discrete lowpass cutoff frequencies, use **ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_discrete_vals** to determine the supported frequencies. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x29cf) return val @property def ai_max_multi_chan_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the maximum sampling rate for an analog input task from this device. To find the maximum rate for the task, take the minimum of **ai_max_single_chan_rate** or the indicated sampling rate of this device divided by the number of channels to acquire data from (including cold-junction compensation and autozero channels). """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x298d) return val @property def ai_max_single_chan_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the maximum rate for an analog input task if the task contains only a single channel from this device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x298c) return val @property def ai_meas_types(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI`]: Indicates the measurement types supported by the physical channels of the device. Refer to **ai_meas_types** for information on specific channels. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fd2) return [UsageTypeAI(e) for e in val] @property def ai_min_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the minimum rate for an analog input task on this device. NI-DAQmx returns a warning or error if you attempt to sample at a slower rate. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x298e) return val @property def ai_num_samp_timing_engines(self): """ int: Indicates the number of Analog Input sample timing engines supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3163) return val @property def ai_num_sync_pulse_srcs(self): """ int: Indicates the number of Analog Input synchronization pulse sources supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3164) return val @property def ai_resistance_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of input resistance ranges, in ohms, supported by devices that have the necessary signal conditioning to measure resistances. Each pair consists of the low value followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2a15) return val @property def ai_samp_modes(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType`]: Indicates sample modes supported by devices that support sample clocked analog input. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fdc) return [AcquisitionType(e) for e in val] @property def ai_simultaneous_sampling_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device supports simultaneous sampling. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x298f) return val @property def ai_trig_usage(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage`]: Indicates the triggers supported by this device for an analog input task. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x2986) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _TriggerUsageTypes, TriggerUsage) @property def ai_voltage_int_excit_discrete_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the set of discrete internal voltage excitation values supported by this device. If the device supports ranges of internal excitation values, use **ai_voltage_int_excit_range_vals** to determine supported excitation values. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x29c9) return val @property def ai_voltage_int_excit_range_vals(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of internal voltage excitation ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. If the device supports a set of discrete internal excitation values, use **ai_voltage_int_excit_discrete_vals** to determine the supported excitation values. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x29ca) return val @property def ai_voltage_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of input voltage ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x2990) return val @property def anlg_trig_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device supports analog triggering. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x2984) return val @property def ao_current_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of output current ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x299c) return val @property def ao_gains(self): """ List[float]: Indicates the output gain settings supported by this device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x299d) return val @property def ao_max_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the maximum analog output rate of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x2997) return val @property def ao_min_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the minimum analog output rate of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x2998) return val @property def ao_num_samp_timing_engines(self): """ int: Indicates the number of Analog Output sample timing engines supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3165) return val @property def ao_num_sync_pulse_srcs(self): """ int: Indicates the number of Analog Output synchronization pulse sources supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3166) return val @property def ao_output_types(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO`]: Indicates the generation types supported by the physical channels of the device. Refer to **ao_output_types** for information on specific channels. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fd3) return [UsageTypeAO(e) for e in val] @property def ao_samp_clk_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device supports the sample clock timing type for analog output tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x2996) return val @property def ao_samp_modes(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType`]: Indicates sample modes supported by devices that support sample clocked analog output. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fdd) return [AcquisitionType(e) for e in val] @property def ao_trig_usage(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage`]: Indicates the triggers supported by this device for analog output tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x2987) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _TriggerUsageTypes, TriggerUsage) @property def ao_voltage_rngs(self): """ List[float]: Indicates pairs of output voltage ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low value, followed by the high value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x299b) return val @property def bus_type(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.constants.BusType`: Indicates the bus type of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x2326) return BusType(val) @property def cal_acc_connection_count(self): """ int: Specifies the number of times a particular connection that results in tangible wear and tear of onboard components has been made on the accessory. This connection count is useful for tracking accessory life and usage. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2feb) return val @cal_acc_connection_count.setter def cal_acc_connection_count(self, val): self._interpreter.set_cal_info_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2feb, val) @property def cal_dev_temp(self): """ float: Indicates in degrees Celsius the current temperature of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_double(self._name, 0x223b) return val @property def cal_recommended_acc_connection_count_limit(self): """ int: Indicates the recommended connection count limit for an accessory. If the accessory connection count exceeds this limit, the accessory could require maintenance. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2fec) return val @property def cal_user_defined_info(self): """ str: Specifies a string that contains arbitrary, user-defined information. This number of characters in this string can be no more than **cal_user_defined_info_max_size**. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_string(self._name, 0x1861) return val @cal_user_defined_info.setter def cal_user_defined_info(self, val): self._interpreter.set_cal_info_attribute_string(self._name, 0x1861, val) @property def cal_user_defined_info_max_size(self): """ int: Indicates the maximum length in characters of **cal_user_defined_info**. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x191c) return val @property def carrier_serial_num(self): """ int: Indicates the serial number of the device carrier. This value is zero if the carrier does not have a serial number. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2a8a) return val @property def chassis_module_devices(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.system.device.Device`]: Indicates a list containing the names of the modules in the chassis. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x29b6) return [_DeviceAlternateConstructor(v, self._interpreter) for v in unflatten_channel_string(val)] @property def ci_max_size(self): """ int: Indicates in bits the size of the counters on the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x299f) return val @property def ci_max_timebase(self): """ float: Indicates in hertz the maximum counter timebase frequency. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x29a0) return val @property def ci_meas_types(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI`]: Indicates the measurement types supported by the physical channels of the device. Refer to **ci_meas_types** for information on specific channels. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fd4) return [UsageTypeCI(e) for e in val] @property def ci_samp_clk_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device supports the sample clock timing type for counter input tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x299e) return val @property def ci_samp_modes(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType`]: Indicates sample modes supported by devices that support sample clocked counter input. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fde) return [AcquisitionType(e) for e in val] @property def ci_trig_usage(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage`]: Indicates the triggers supported by this device for counter input tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x298a) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _TriggerUsageTypes, TriggerUsage) @property def co_max_size(self): """ int: Indicates in bits the size of the counters on the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x29a1) return val @property def co_max_timebase(self): """ float: Indicates in hertz the maximum counter timebase frequency. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x29a2) return val @property def co_output_types(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO`]: Indicates the generation types supported by the physical channels of the device. Refer to **co_output_types** for information on specific channels. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fd5) return [UsageTypeCO(e) for e in val] @property def co_samp_clk_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device supports Sample Clock timing for counter output tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x2f5b) return val @property def co_samp_modes(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType`]: Indicates sample modes supported by devices that support sample clocked counter output. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32_array(self._name, 0x2fdf) return [AcquisitionType(e) for e in val] @property def co_trig_usage(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage`]: Indicates the triggers supported by this device for counter output tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x298b) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _TriggerUsageTypes, TriggerUsage) @property def compact_daq_chassis_device(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.system.device.Device`: Indicates the name of the CompactDAQ chassis that contains this module. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x29b7) return _DeviceAlternateConstructor(val, self._interpreter) @property def compact_daq_slot_num(self): """ int: Indicates the slot number in which this module is located in the CompactDAQ chassis. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x29b8) return val @property def compact_rio_chassis_device(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.system.device.Device`: Indicates the name of the CompactRIO chassis that contains this module. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x3161) return _DeviceAlternateConstructor(val, self._interpreter) @property def compact_rio_slot_num(self): """ int: Indicates the slot number of the CompactRIO chassis where this module is located. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3162) return val @property def di_max_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the maximum digital input rate of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x2999) return val @property def di_num_samp_timing_engines(self): """ int: Indicates the number of Digital Input sample timing engines supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3167) return val @property def di_trig_usage(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage`]: Indicates the triggers supported by this device for digital input tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x2988) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _TriggerUsageTypes, TriggerUsage) @property def dig_trig_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device supports digital triggering. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x2985) return val @property def do_max_rate(self): """ float: Indicates the maximum digital output rate of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_double(self._name, 0x299a) return val @property def do_num_samp_timing_engines(self): """ int: Indicates the number of Digital Output synchronization pulse sources supported by the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3168) return val @property def do_trig_usage(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage`]: Indicates the triggers supported by this device for digital output tasks. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x2989) return enum_bitfield_to_list( val, _TriggerUsageTypes, TriggerUsage) @property def ext_cal_last_temp(self): """ float: Indicates in degrees Celsius the temperature of the device at the time of the last external calibration. Compare this temperature to the current onboard temperature to determine if you should perform another calibration. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1867) return val @property def ext_cal_recommended_interval(self): """ int: Indicates in months the National Instruments recommended interval between each external calibration of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x1868) return val @property def field_daq_bank_devices(self): """ List[:class:`nidaqmx.system.device.Device`]: Indicates a list containing the names of the banks in the FieldDAQ. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x3178) return [_DeviceAlternateConstructor(v, self._interpreter) for v in unflatten_channel_string(val)] @property def field_daq_device(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.system.device.Device`: Indicates the parent device which this bank is located in. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x3171) return _DeviceAlternateConstructor(val, self._interpreter) @property def hwteds_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates whether the device supports hardware TEDS. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x2fd6) return val @property def is_simulated(self): """ bool: Indicates if the device is a simulated device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x22ca) return val @property def num_dma_chans(self): """ int: Indicates the number of DMA channels on the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x233c) return val @property def num_time_trigs(self): """ int: Indicates the number of time triggers available on the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3141) return val @property def num_timestamp_engines(self): """ int: Indicates the number of timestamp engines available on the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x3142) return val @property def pci_bus_num(self): """ int: Indicates the PCI bus number of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2327) return val @property def pci_dev_num(self): """ int: Indicates the PCI slot number of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2328) return val @property def product_category(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory`: Indicates the product category of the device. This category corresponds to the category displayed in MAX when creating NI-DAQmx simulated devices. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x29a9) return ProductCategory(val) @property def product_num(self): """ int: Indicates the unique hardware identification number for the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x231d) return val @property def product_type(self): """ str: Indicates the product name of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x631) return val @property def pxi_chassis_num(self): """ int: Indicates the PXI chassis number of the device, as identified in MAX. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x2329) return val @property def pxi_slot_num(self): """ int: Indicates the PXI slot number of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x232a) return val @property def self_cal_last_temp(self): """ float: Indicates in degrees Celsius the temperature of the device at the time of the last self-calibration. Compare this temperature to the current onboard temperature to determine if you should perform another calibration. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1864) return val @property def self_cal_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates whether the device supports self-calibration. """ val = self._interpreter.get_cal_info_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x1860) return val @property def serial_num(self): """ int: Indicates the serial number of the device. This value is zero if the device does not have a serial number. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_uint32(self._name, 0x632) return val @property def tcpip_ethernet_ip(self): """ str: Indicates the IPv4 address of the Ethernet interface in dotted decimal format. This property returns if the Ethernet interface cannot acquire an address. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x2a8c) return val @property def tcpip_hostname(self): """ str: Indicates the IPv4 hostname of the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x2a8b) return val @property def tcpip_wireless_ip(self): """ str: Indicates the IPv4 address of the 802.11 wireless interface in dotted decimal format. This property returns if the wireless interface cannot acquire an address. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x2a8d) return val @property def terminals(self): """ List[str]: Indicates a list of all terminals on the device. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_string(self._name, 0x2a40) return unflatten_channel_string(val) @property def time_trig_supported(self): """ bool: Indicates whether the device supports time triggering. """ val = self._interpreter.get_device_attribute_bool(self._name, 0x301f) return val @property @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="0.7.0", details="Use is_simulated instead.") def dev_is_simulated(self): return self.is_simulated @property @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="0.7.0", details="Use serial_num instead.") def dev_serial_num(self): return self.serial_num @property @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="0.7.0", details="Use hwteds_supported instead.") def tedshwteds_supported(self): return self.hwteds_supported
[docs] def reset_device(self): """ Immediately aborts all active tasks associated with a device, disconnects any routes, and returns the device to an initialized state. Aborting a task immediately terminates the currently active operation, such as a read or a write. Aborting a task puts the task into an unstable but recoverable state. To recover the task, use DAQmx Start to restart the task or use DAQmx Stop to reset the task without starting it. """ self._interpreter.reset_device( self._name)
[docs] def restore_last_ext_cal_const(self): """ Sets the self-calibration constants of the device to the external calibration constants. NI sets the external calibration constants at the factory, and those constants remain in effect until you perform a new external calibration on the device. """ self._interpreter.restore_last_ext_cal_const( self._name)
[docs] def self_cal(self): """ Measures the onboard reference voltage of the device and adjusts the self-calibration constants to account for any errors caused by short-term fluctuations in the operating environment. When you self-calibrate a device, no external signal connections are necessary. """ self._interpreter.self_cal( self._name)
[docs] def self_test_device(self): """ Performs a brief test of device resources. If a failure occurs, refer to your device documentation for more information. """ self._interpreter.self_test_device( self._name)
# region Network Device Functions
[docs] @staticmethod def add_network_device( ip_address, device_name="", attempt_reservation=False, timeout=10.0, *, grpc_options=None): """ Adds a Network cDAQ device to the system and, if specified, attempts to reserve it. Args: ip_address (str): Specifies the string containing the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or hostname of the device to add to the system. device_name (Optional[str]): Indicates the name to assign to the device. If unspecified, NI-DAQmx chooses the device name. attempt_reservation (Optional[bool]): Indicates if a reservation should be attempted after the device is successfully added. By default, this parameter is set to False. timeout (Optional[float]): Specifies the time in seconds to wait for the device to respond before timing out. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. Returns: nidaqmx.system.device.Device: Specifies the object that represents the device this operation applied to. """ device = Device("", grpc_options=grpc_options) device._name = device._interpreter.add_network_device( ip_address, device_name, attempt_reservation, timeout) return device
[docs] def delete_network_device(self): """ Deletes a Network DAQ device previously added to the host. If the device is reserved, it is unreserved before it is removed. """ self._interpreter.delete_network_device(self._name)
[docs] def reserve_network_device(self, override_reservation=None): """ Reserves the Network DAQ device for the current host. Reservation is required to run NI-DAQmx tasks, and the device must be added in MAX before it can be reserved. Args: override_reservation (Optional[bool]): Indicates if an existing reservation on the device should be overridden by this reservation. By default, this parameter is set to false. """ self._interpreter.reserve_network_device(self._name, override_reservation)
[docs] def unreserve_network_device(self): """ Unreserves or releases a Network DAQ device previously reserved by the host. """ self._interpreter.unreserve_network_device(self._name)
# endregion class _DeviceAlternateConstructor(Device): """ Provide an alternate constructor for the Device object. This is a private API used to instantiate a Device with an existing interpreter. """ # Setting __slots__ avoids TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'Base' object layout differs from 'Derived'. __slots__ = () def __init__(self, name, interpreter): """ Args: name: Specifies the name of the Device. interpreter: Specifies the interpreter instance. """ self._name = name self._interpreter = interpreter # Use meta-programming to change the type of this object to Device, # so the user isn't confused when doing introspection. self.__class__ = Device # type: ignore[assignment]