Source code for nidaqmx.scale

# Do not edit this file; it was automatically generated.

import numpy

from nidaqmx import utils
from nidaqmx.constants import (
    ScaleType, UnitsPreScaled, _Save)

__all__ = ['Scale']

[docs] class Scale: """ Represents a DAQmx scale. """ __slots__ = ['_name', '_interpreter', '__weakref__']
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *, grpc_options=None): """ Args: name (str): Specifies the name of the scale to create. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. """ self._name = name self._interpreter = utils._select_interpreter(grpc_options)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._name == other._name return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self._name)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'Scale(name={self._name})'
@property def name(self): """ str: Specifies the name of this scale. """ return self._name @property def description(self): """ str: Specifies a description for the scale. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_string(self._name, 0x1226) return val @description.setter def description(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_string(self._name, 0x1226, val) @property def lin_slope(self): """ float: Specifies the slope, m, in the equation y=mx+b. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1227) return val @lin_slope.setter def lin_slope(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1227, val) @property def lin_y_intercept(self): """ float: Specifies the y-intercept, b, in the equation y=mx+b. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1228) return val @lin_y_intercept.setter def lin_y_intercept(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1228, val) @property def map_pre_scaled_max(self): """ float: Specifies the largest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to **map_scaled_max**. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1231) return val @map_pre_scaled_max.setter def map_pre_scaled_max(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1231, val) @property def map_pre_scaled_min(self): """ float: Specifies the smallest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to **map_scaled_min**. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1232) return val @map_pre_scaled_min.setter def map_pre_scaled_min(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1232, val) @property def map_scaled_max(self): """ float: Specifies the largest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to **map_pre_scaled_max**. Reads coerce samples that are larger than this value to match this value. Writes generate errors for samples that are larger than this value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1229) return val @map_scaled_max.setter def map_scaled_max(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1229, val) @property def map_scaled_min(self): """ float: Specifies the smallest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to **map_pre_scaled_min**. Reads coerce samples that are smaller than this value to match this value. Writes generate errors for samples that are smaller than this value. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1230) return val @map_scaled_min.setter def map_scaled_min(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double(self._name, 0x1230, val) @property def poly_forward_coeff(self): """ List[float]: Specifies a list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts pre-scaled values to scaled values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9x^3. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1234) return val @poly_forward_coeff.setter def poly_forward_coeff(self, val): val = numpy.array(val, dtype=numpy.float64) self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1234, val) @property def poly_reverse_coeff(self): """ List[float]: Specifies a list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts scaled values to pre-scaled values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9y^3. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1235) return val @poly_reverse_coeff.setter def poly_reverse_coeff(self, val): val = numpy.array(val, dtype=numpy.float64) self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1235, val) @property def pre_scaled_units(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled`: Specifies the units of the values that you want to scale. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x18f7) return UnitsPreScaled(val) @pre_scaled_units.setter def pre_scaled_units(self, val): val = val.value self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x18f7, val) @property def scale_type(self): """ :class:`nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType`: Indicates the method or equation form that the custom scale uses. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_int32(self._name, 0x1929) return ScaleType(val) @property def scaled_units(self): """ str: Specifies the units to use for scaled values. You can use an arbitrary string. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_string(self._name, 0x191b) return val @scaled_units.setter def scaled_units(self, val): self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_string(self._name, 0x191b, val) @property def table_pre_scaled_vals(self): """ List[float]: Specifies a list of pre-scaled values. These values map directly to the values in **table_scaled_vals**. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1237) return val @table_pre_scaled_vals.setter def table_pre_scaled_vals(self, val): val = numpy.array(val, dtype=numpy.float64) self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1237, val) @property def table_scaled_vals(self): """ List[float]: Specifies a list of scaled values. These values map directly to the values in **table_pre_scaled_vals**. """ val = self._interpreter.get_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1236) return val @table_scaled_vals.setter def table_scaled_vals(self, val): val = numpy.array(val, dtype=numpy.float64) self._interpreter.set_scale_attribute_double_array(self._name, 0x1236, val)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_reverse_poly_coeff( forward_coeffs, min_val_x=-5.0, max_val_x=5.0, num_points_to_compute=1000, reverse_poly_order=-1, *, grpc_options=None): """ Computes a set of coefficients for a polynomial that approximates the inverse of the polynomial with the coefficients you specify with the "forward_coeffs" input. This function generates a table of x versus y values over the range of x. This function then finds a polynomial fit, using the least squares method to compute a polynomial that computes x when given a value for y. Args: forward_coeffs (List[float]): Is the list of coefficients for the polynomial that computes y given a value of x. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. min_val_x (Optional[float]): Is the minimum value of x for which you use the polynomial. This is the smallest value of x for which the function generates a y value in the table. max_val_x (Optional[float]): Is the maximum value of x for which you use the polynomial. This is the largest value of x for which the function generates a y value in the table. num_points_to_compute (Optional[int]): Is the number of points in the table of x versus y values. The function spaces the values evenly between "min_val_x" and "max_val_x". reverse_poly_order (Optional[int]): Is the order of the reverse polynomial to compute. For example, an input of 3 indicates a 3rd order polynomial. A value of -1 indicates a reverse polynomial of the same order as the forward polynomial. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. Returns: List[float]: Specifies the list of coefficients for the reverse polynomial. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9y^3. """ forward_coeffs = numpy.array(forward_coeffs, dtype=numpy.float64) interpreter = utils._select_interpreter(grpc_options) reverse_coeffs = interpreter.calculate_reverse_poly_coeff( forward_coeffs, min_val_x, max_val_x, num_points_to_compute, reverse_poly_order) return reverse_coeffs
[docs] @staticmethod def create_lin_scale( scale_name, slope, y_intercept=0.0, pre_scaled_units=UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS, scaled_units=None, *, grpc_options=None): """ Creates a custom scale that uses the equation y=mx+b, where x is a pre-scaled value, and y is a scaled value. The equation is identical for input and output. If the equation is in the form x=my+b, you must first solve for y in terms of x. Args: scale_name (str): Specifies the name of the scale to create. slope (float): Is the slope, m, in the equation. y_intercept (Optional[float]): Is the y-intercept, b, in the equation. pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled]): Is the units of the values to scale. scaled_units (Optional[str]): Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. Returns: nidaqmx.scale.Scale: Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale. """ scale = Scale(scale_name, grpc_options=grpc_options) scale._interpreter.create_lin_scale( scale_name, slope, y_intercept, pre_scaled_units.value, scaled_units) return scale
[docs] @staticmethod def create_map_scale( scale_name, prescaled_min, prescaled_max, scaled_min, scaled_max, pre_scaled_units=UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS, scaled_units=None, *, grpc_options=None): """ Creates a custom scale that scales values proportionally from a range of pre-scaled values to a range of scaled values. Args: scale_name (str): Specifies the name of the scale to create. prescaled_min (float): Is the smallest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to "scaled_min". prescaled_max (float): Is the largest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to "scaled_max". scaled_min (float): Is the smallest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to "prescaled_min". Read operations clip samples that are smaller than this value. Write operations generate errors for samples that are smaller than this value. scaled_max (float): Is the largest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to "prescaled_max". Read operations clip samples that are larger than this value. Write operations generate errors for samples that are larger than this value. pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled]): Is the units of the values to scale. scaled_units (Optional[str]): Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. Returns: nidaqmx.scale.Scale: Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale. """ scale = Scale(scale_name, grpc_options=grpc_options) scale._interpreter.create_map_scale( scale_name, prescaled_min, prescaled_max, scaled_min, scaled_max, pre_scaled_units.value, scaled_units) return scale
[docs] @staticmethod def create_polynomial_scale( scale_name, forward_coeffs, reverse_coeffs, pre_scaled_units=UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS, scaled_units=None, *, grpc_options=None): """ Creates a custom scale that uses an nth order polynomial equation. NI-DAQmx requires both a polynomial to convert pre- scaled values to scaled values (forward) and a polynomial to convert scaled values to pre-scaled values (reverse). If you only know one set of coefficients, use the DAQmx Compute Reverse Polynomial Coefficients function to generate the other set. Args: scale_name (str): Specifies the name of the scale to create. forward_coeffs (List[float]): Is an list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts pre-scaled values to scaled values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. reverse_coeffs (List[float]): Is an list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts scaled values to pre-scaled values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled]): Is the units of the values to scale. scaled_units (Optional[str]): Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. Returns: nidaqmx.scale.Scale: Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale. """ if forward_coeffs is None: forward_coeffs = [] if reverse_coeffs is None: reverse_coeffs = [] forward_coeffs = numpy.array(forward_coeffs, dtype=numpy.float64) reverse_coeffs = numpy.array(reverse_coeffs, dtype=numpy.float64) scale = Scale(scale_name, grpc_options=grpc_options) scale._interpreter.create_polynomial_scale( scale_name, forward_coeffs, reverse_coeffs, pre_scaled_units.value, scaled_units) return scale
[docs] @staticmethod def create_table_scale( scale_name, prescaled_vals, scaled_vals, pre_scaled_units=UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS, scaled_units=None, *, grpc_options=None): """ Creates a custom scale that maps an list of pre-scaled values to an list of corresponding scaled values. NI-DAQmx applies linear interpolation to values that fall between the values in the table. Read operations clip scaled samples that are outside the maximum and minimum scaled values found in the table. Write operations generate errors for samples that are outside the minimum and maximum scaled values found in the table. Args: scale_name (str): Specifies the name of the scale to create. prescaled_vals (List[float]): Is the list of pre-scaled values that map to the values in "scaled_vals". scaled_vals (List[float]): Is the list of scaled values that map to the values in "prescaled_vals". pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled]): Is the units of the values to scale. scaled_units (Optional[str]): Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart. grpc_options (Optional[:class:`~nidaqmx.GrpcSessionOptions`]): Specifies the gRPC session options. Returns: nidaqmx.scale.Scale: Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale. """ if prescaled_vals is None: prescaled_vals = [] if scaled_vals is None: scaled_vals = [] prescaled_vals = numpy.array(prescaled_vals, dtype=numpy.float64) scaled_vals = numpy.array(scaled_vals, dtype=numpy.float64) scale = Scale(scale_name, grpc_options=grpc_options) scale._interpreter.create_table_scale( scale_name, prescaled_vals, scaled_vals, pre_scaled_units.value, scaled_units) return scale
[docs] def save(self, save_as="", author="", overwrite_existing_scale=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, allow_interactive_deletion=True): """ Saves this custom scale to MAX. Args: save_as (Optional[str]): Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale. author (Optional[str]): Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom scale. options (Optional[int]): Specifies whether to allow the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX. overwrite_existing_scale (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to overwrite a custom scale of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input is False and a custom scale of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function returns an error. allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to allow the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If allow_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel settings. allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]): Specifies whether to allow the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX. """ options = 0 if overwrite_existing_scale: options |= _Save.OVERWRITE.value if allow_interactive_editing: options |= _Save.ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_EDITING.value if allow_interactive_deletion: options |= _Save.ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_DELETION.value self._interpreter.save_scale(self._name, save_as, author, options)
class _ScaleAlternateConstructor(Scale): """ Provide an alternate constructor for the Scale object. This is a private API used to instantiate a Scale with an existing interpreter. """ # Setting __slots__ avoids TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'Base' object layout differs from 'Derived'. __slots__ = () def __init__(self, name, interpreter): """ Args: name: Specifies the name of the Scale. interpreter: Specifies the interpreter instance. """ self._name = name self._interpreter = interpreter # Use meta-programming to change the type of this object to Scale, # so the user isn't confused when doing introspection. self.__class__ = Scale # type: ignore[assignment]